
Value of Foliar Nutrient Applications for Pumpkin Yield Improvement

Alan Walters, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
[Handout: None]

In recent years, foliar nutrition has been promoted as a valuable tool to improve yields in vegetable production systems, but do they actually work? Research from Southern Illinois University will be presented to show the value of foliar nutrition programs for pumpkins.

Enemies and Friends: Pest Control and Pollinator Conservation in Pumpkins

Kacie Athey, University of Illinois
[Handout: Pumpkin Insect Management]

Balancing a need for pest control with pollinator conservation can be tricky in agricultural systems. This talk will explore both of these topics as well as recommendations for what and when to spray insecticides to control squash bugs, cucumber beetles, and squash vine borers while also protecting pollinators as much as possible.

Biofumigation with Mustard Cover Crops to Reduce Plectosporium Blight

Jim Jasinski, Ohio State University
[Handout: None]

Results of a two-year research study and one year of on-farm trials to find a cultural practice that will reduce Plectosporium blight on foliage and fruits will be discussed. The entire process of biofumigation will be covered from seeding the mustard cover crop to processing the biomass to evaluating the foliage and fruit, plus trial results.

Season Long Considerations to Protect Pollinators in Cucurbits

Jim Jasinski, Ohio State University
[Handout: None]

This presentation will cover concepts of IPM that aim to remind us of all our options to protect pollinators during the early, mid and late-season stages of pumpkin production. Topics such as scouting thresholds, seed treatment, transplanting, and pesticide synergism will be discussed.

Updates on Management of Pumpkin Diseases

Mohammad Babadoost, University of Illinois
[Handout: None]

There are many diseases that can be very devastating to pumpkins if not managed appropriately. Hear about current, Illinois research on pumpkin disease identification and management recommendations to keep your crop healthy!

Pumpkin and Squash Hybrid Trial Results

Jim Jasinski, Ohio State University
[Handout: None]

This presentation will focus on the 2020 and 2021 Pumpkin and Squash hybrid trial results from the Western Ag Research Station in South Charleston, OH. Pictures of the fruit along with yield and size data plus any PMT or PMR disease packages will be noted. Most hybrids are commercially available, but some are unreleased experimental hybrids.

Taking a New Look at Your Pumpkin Patch with 360 Tours

Jim Jasinski, Ohio State University
[Handout: None]

Utilizing new technology to capture more than a snapshot of a field or hybrid by using a 360 camera for stills or video. These images can be stitched together to make a model or tour of the field for either historical, marketing, or educational purposes. Models for either 2020 or 2021 will be shown as examples.

Taking a Proactive Approach to Pumpkin Production

Nathan Johanning, University of Illinois Extension
[Handout: None]

Every year there are always pests and production issues that plague us from out-of-control weeds to pumpkins that just don’t yield to our hopes. We will take some common problems and layout management techniques that can help avoid or reduce these issues before they get out of hand!

Marketing & Production of Illinois Pumpkins: Moderated Grower Discussion

Nathan Johanning, University of Illinois Extension
[Handout: None]

Join us for an interactive group discussion where we share our own challenges and successes with raising and marketing pumpkins. Learn from the farm experiences of others to help innovate solutions on your farm!