
Your Pricing is Wrong, and I Can Prove It

Hugh McPherson, Maize Quest

Your prices aren’t high enough. Is revenue stuck? Are you finding à la carte pricing means customers pay the least? This presentation lays out a road map to successfully transitioning your business to admission – the right way.

Hayride Safety Course

Hugh McPherson, Maize Quest
[Handout: Hayride Safety Checklist]

Safety with your tractors and wagons is the #1 priority. Learn the best practices, recent innovations, and NEW safety standards coming to the industry to keep your rides safe.

A Goal Without a Plan is a Wish

Hugh McPherson, Maize Quest
[Handout: Goal Without A Plan / MaGNETIC GOAL WOrksheets]

Ever find you can’t get everything? Battle procrastination? See your dreams slipping away with time? Attendees learn how to make goals magnetic. Use magnetic goals to create energy that pulls you to the finish line.

Herding Cats: How to Effectively Train & Manage Employees

Hugh McPherson, Maize Quest
[Handout: Herding Cats]

Ever feel like you are “herding cats” instead of managing your business? Ever feel like no one is listening and the “Don’t make kids like they used to”? Employees are routinely the source of angst for business owners everywhere, but what if there were a different way to structure your employee environment?

One, Not Everyone: Exception Customer Service

Hugh McPherson, Maize Quest
[Handout: One Not Everyone]

Ticketed admission is great for the general public, but parties and groups like packages. Using examples from the flagship operation, attendees learn package pricing, activity choices, and activity balance for profitability.

Farm-to-Classroom: Cultivate Community with Ag Literacy Efforts on Your Farm

Chris Wyant, Illinois Farm Bureau
[Handout: None]

The future of agriculture depends on the students of today. Learn how to better engage and educate students, teachers, and the wider community around you while also promoting your farm business. Learn how Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom (IAITC) works to promote specialty crop farms in Illinois and how you can collaborate with IAITC in the upcoming growing season to increase ag literacy in your community. Hands-on activities and lesson ideas will also be shared.

Integrating Adult Beverages onto the Farm

John Lyons, Indian Creek Farmstead
[Handout: None]

Hear an Illinois Farm Perspective of how to navigate Illinois policy for selling alcohol on the farm and how they integrated adult beverages into their business model.

Designing an On-Farm Market

Lyn Falk, Retailworks
Suzanne Rafenstein, Retailworks
[Handout: Designing an On-Farm Market]

Learn best practices for setting up a successful farm market. Topics covered will be development of name/brand, store layout, design/ décor. display. setup, and visual merchandising signage and lighting.

This session is sponsored by Illinois Farm Bureau.