2023-24 Accomplishments
Together we are the voice of specialty growers in Illinois.
For an association to remain strong and provide a high level of service, a continued commitment is needed from its members. Please note a few of the activities that ISGA has been involved in on behalf of our membership:
In collaboration with Illinois Farm Bureau, Illinois Specialty Growers Association created a series of listening sessions that will continue into 2024 to learn from membership the barriers they are facing with regulation and permitting.
ISGA continued electronic communication with members to provide updates on grants, programming, and other opportunities. The electronic bulletin was sent to the members at least two times a month.
The association held the annual From Food to Flowers: Everything Local Conference in January 2024. A combined conference of the Illinois Specialty Crop Conference, Illinois Farmers Market Conference, and the Live Local Conference with 760 registered attendees, 70 trade show vendors and over 135 speakers. This was made possible through the Illinois Specialty Crop Block Grant.
Thanks to the Illinois Department of Agriculture, ISGA was able to receive $108,000 for the 2025 conference through the Specialty Crop Block Grant.
ISGA, in partnership with Illinois Farm Bureau and University of Illinois, was able to sponsor and promote three Produce Safety Training sessions to certify over 75 specialty crop farmers with their required Food Safety Modernization Produce Safety Requirements.
ISGA participated in the Illinois Ag Legislative Day in Springfield, which provides an opportunity to network with ag leaders throughout the state and meet with legislators regarding any current legislation and industry concerns. This year ISGA provided locally grown and produced lavender tea for the IL Products Basket. They met with legislators to discuss the Agritourism Liability Tax Credit and the Farm-to-Food Bank legislation.
ISGA was a member of the IDPH’s Food Safety Advisory Committee, IDPH Farmers Market Working Group, Lt. Governor Stratton’s Ag Equity and Food Security Council, and the LPFA Planning Committee for IDOA.
ISGA supported the Specialty Crop Ag Mag, Hort Day, U of I Extension Events, and the FFA Specialty Crop Award through financial contributions.
ISGA was asked to provide over 12 letters of support or commitment to Illinois specialty crop research grants throughout the state to improve growing practices, technology, entomology, food safety, robotics, and marketing to the industry.
ISGA returned to the Illinois State Fair in 2023 with over 100 volunteers serving apple cider slushy, ice cream, watermelon, peaches, and sweet corn. The association had over $40,000 in sales income. Throughout the week the association met with policy makers and participated in bringing urban students to the fair.
ISGA continued its work with the ConnectFresh Collaborative to grow the statewide local food and farm directory powered by MarketMaker to nearly 3000 businesses.
The Association, along with Feeding Illinois, University of Illinois, Illinois Farm Bureau, and Illinois Farmers Market Association, continued the Farm to Food Bank Program. In three years the pilot program has moved nearly 3 million pounds of produce generating 1.5 million dollars of new revenue streams In 2023 the program was successfully past as an Illinois State Statue to be a permanent program for the state with $2.5 million in year one funding.
These are just a few of the activities the Association accomplished in the past year, thanks to its membership!